My brief is to be able to produce, film, and finish a music video for provider Beggars Group fitting their style of production & fulfill the narrative genre. Throughout the music video, I will use various forms of media language, camera shot types, and the work of mise-en-scene to make it possible. My target demographic is current listeners to Beggars Group producers, The Animals and the country music world. My intentions of making this video will fit the criteria of Beggars Group as it's an independent group which Beggars Group always work with. The mise-en-scene will conenct with the audience as there will be important parts of the narrative from it with specific props, casting, apparel the cast wear and buildings that link to the storyline. There will be numerious intertextual references throughout the music video to various western movies over the years, and a cast who will resemble that of previous western productions. The music video will represent a convicted outlaw who has been hunted down by numerous Sheriffs for many months. He comes back to his hometown to take the train to turn himself into the prison: The House of the Rising Sun. The name was given because the sunrise would always hit the prison at a perfect angle every morning so it was covered in the rays of the light. He turned himself in after accidentally killing his wife while attempting to murder a man who held her hostage. I hope to promote the idea of gun rights in the United States may come at the cost of loved ones lives in the form of a western narrative. The entire set is from Disneyland Paris' Hotel Cheyenne, and characters will perform in barren areas of Bristol and the prison will be Ashton Court, a prestigious building which in context of the music video, used to be a court house. No one sings the lyrics in this, the back track does this. The lyrics will tell the story on their own, but with these characters we finally bring this hit to life after 60 years since it released in 1963.